These are some of my cousins who are much much order than me. They were born around 1915. Sad really to think they'll spend the rest of their lives behind glass with no cuddles from little children or mummies and daddies.
Here is a bear you should all know from the tv called Superted!! I wonder where Spotty was? Perhaps he is hiding in the red train behind me??
Here are some of my cousins I saw. They are all lovely British bears.
These are my long lost Deans ragbook brothers. I was sooo sad to leave them behind but I promised I'd visit them again soon.
There lots of other things for a teddy bear to do at the Museum of Childhood including playing on a ride...
Looking at some model trains...
Driving a fire truck...
And afterwards I then went on the Docklands Light Railway for the first time and had a train ride to Greenwich....but you'll have to come back and read my blog tomorrow to find out what I did...
Hello Arthur - wow, a retirement home for bears! I wouldn't feel too sad as they are all together and I'm sure they get out after dark and have a good old romp around! That places looks like it's really fun - I'll have to try to get there one day.
Gosh, yes, a retirementhome for Bears! WOW! But I bet they ownly werk behind the glarss in the day time! I bet they go frolickin arfter closin time! Wa-heyyy!
Im sure your right both of you, I was just thinking that they should be free like me and my sibling. BT I didn't think of it like they were working like mummy and daddy do. I feel so so much better now.
Hello Arthur. We were just reading your blog for the first time! You get to go on a lot of adventures!It sure was nice of you to see all the bears in the museum and introduces them.
Ted E. Bearand The Teddy_2Bears crew
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