Here is the rules.
you need equal number of bears, bunnies, monkeys on each side.
Push all the furniture away from the centre of the room, unless you prefer to play on your mummy and daddies bed. Like we do.
Get your bat, if you dont have a cricket bat then a baseball bat or a kitchen spatula and a soft ball or a sock balled up.
The Bowler has a short run up and you hit the ball and run unless it hits the celling for 6 runs or the walls then its 4 runs. If it doesnt go that far then you can run between your wickets. If your ball goes in the air and is caught by one of the players. or if you are running between the wickets and some one throws the ball at your wicket you are out, and you have to play for the other side, as a fielder.
Anyone want to play?
Hi Arthur!
What if we don't gots any monkeys? We gots bunnies, bears, puppies and a kitty. Thanks!!
Oh, PS...
Does the bowler throws overhand or underhand? Thanks again!
Ohhhh. This sounds very fun. Who do the dogs play for? Maybe we can be in charge of the snacks. Oh, and who does the cricket play for? We looked and looked but we couldn't see a cricket anywhere in the picture. We love your blog!
Shortbread and Seamus, Sea Dog of the North Sea
Hello Arthur
What was the score. Did you all have a nice tea?
Hi Alex,
Anybody can play house cricket its an equal opportunities thing. The bowler usually throws overarm.
Hi Shortbread,
The dog is my brother toby he was a spectator. Please Please be in charge of the snacks, Ellie usually does it but she can't cook. We dont know about any Crickets as insects but we do have a aunt or two they live in Sheffield.
Hi Phy
My Team lost by 1 wicket and 15 runs. not the best of Games but Marty is such a good bowler. Tea was nice but Ellie cooked it so it wasnt brilliant.
Hope you are all ok
This is a fun game!! Mommy said maybe we could join in tomorrow. Her leaved us all here shivering under a blanket watching moovies while her goed to a car show. Bah!! --Love, Alex
Oh my! Wat fun! Can me an Grayum come nex time?
Mor silly Bear nonsense!
Arthur - go see my blog – you’ve got an award!!
PS - I hope you're going to be blogging again soon.
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