Hi! It was Halloween last night. My friend Bertie was having a party and my sister Ellie and I were invited. We planned our costumes a week or so ago - I love Wizards and magic so I decided to go as Merlin the Wizard. My mummy made my costume from some curtains my great auntie gave her. My sister Ellie wanted to go as a witch so mummy made her a costume from an old dress. We were so excited at school we couldn't concentrate! When mummy came home from work, she dressed us up and took us to Berties house. We had lots of really nice snacks, like cheeeeeesy vampire bats, honey wizard wands and little tiny sausages shaped like scary fingers....but they tasted really nice! We danced to our favourite song which goes 'What's that coming over the hill, is it a monster, is it a monster?'! heee At 8 o'clock, daddy came to take us home and we were sooooo tired that we went straight to beddies but not before I'd ate some of my treats....I had THREE honey flavoured bamboo biscuits....greedy but YUMMMM!
Here are some piccies for you to look at of us having fun!
My name is Arthur and I live on the outskirts of London. I love adventures and days outs with my mummy and daddy. I live with my many brothers and sisters and when mummy and daddy go to work we all like to watch tv, play together and best of all....raid the sweet cupboard and eat lots of bamboo biccies with honey....YUMMMMMM
Please look at my pictures as I have the most enjoyable travels and hope to meet new teddy bear friends online here.
OOOOO, really spooky! Another travelling, blogging bear, that's wonderful. Where are you going to next?
There are quite a few of us blogbears now. Have you met Bob T Bear (esq.)? He’s my friend and a great chap.
See you again soon.
Thankyou for looking at my blog! Can we be teddy bear friends??
My next adventure will be on Saturday when I get to go on some old steam trains so come back soon and look out for some piccies!
I will look at Bob T's blog and we can hopefully all be friends!
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